
Friday, May 25, 2012


well... setelah bertahun-tahun lamanya...ececehh... haha..


ehem.. assalamualaikum.. setelah sekian lama saya tak update blog nie, sampailah sudah masanya untuk saya menyajikan senuah cerita berkisarkan saya untuk tatapan umum.. (bende yang saya alami dan rasa lah)

well, this is all about friends.. close friends, best friends, and friends itself. i admit that there are times that i felt like i want to be  friend with everyone, and becoming everyone's best friends. i tried my very best to fulfill this psycho desire. however, at the end of time, it can me said that all my effort are useless.. why? because, im all fake, and there are no relationship may last with those kind of beginning..

however, as time passed by, i learnt my, here am i.. at UPMKB.. im so glad that i meet up with so many person who i can mingle around with cozy and safe feeling...  especially those persons that im hooked up together now... thank you dear~ (hey!! ingat tak angan-angan kita? nak naik pentas dekan sama-sama? we did it, aren't we? kinah, yan, syema, nad, kak meng? roomate!! >mardhiah<)


nak cerita plak sebelum aku sedar nie.. hehe

sepanjang sekolah rendah, sampai sekolah menengah..aku rasa aku dah jumpa macam-macam jenis manusia.. jenis yang tak berjenis pon ada... hehe.. benda-benda nie lah yang membantu aku meluaskan perspektif terhadap dunia..eleh, sebenarnya kawan yang macam aku nie pon banyak membantu orang lain untuk luaskan perspektif diorang jugak kan??

untung sangat aku... dalam pelik-pelik punya perangai yang aku ada nie, masih ada jugak insan-insan yang sanggup jadi manusia yang omputeh kata 'always standing by my side' lah... well, i can't really recall my friend from primary school  since we were no longer hooked up together..there are lists of my extravaganza best friend forever... actually, they are all the same... there are no chart of BFF at my heart.. they just so different among each other, and very unic yet special..

kalo ikut turutan mana satu kenal and rapat dulu, die start dengan nora... fairuz... mira.. shu.. afif.. min...

dari form 1, sampai form 5... sentiasa bersama dengan aku... weh, frankly speaking, what a big fat liar lah saya kan if i told that we never get quarrel.. sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit.. kan... tapi diorang baik gile! tau tak, ramai yang dok tanye kat diorang sume,

 "apesal dalam ramai-ramai budak SMK Meru nie, korang boleh berkawan dengan si Diana tu" 

pergh.....SEE??SEE?? dahsyat tak aku sampai orang cakap gitu?? hehe..

dan akhirnya, inilah...PERSAHABATAN yang tak da galang gantinya.. bukan aku nak kata, dah, dahh.. aku tak nak ada kawan lain dahh!! hehe... bukan begitu... well, aku ada juga kawan baik kat tempat aku nie... nama yang aku stated kat atas~ hehe... my BEST BUDDY!!!! , itu aku iktiraf diorang... sebab diorang macam dah tau dah manusia macam mana aku nie.. and seems that they dont really care, and accept me the way i am.. 

im human with strong personality, which means others can't really tell who and what am i exactly are.. but, let me tell you one of my before, now and forever after type of mannerism... i will always in love with my best friends, stand by their sides forever, accept whatever they are, and else.

and i do hope that they will treat me the same way i am.. :)

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